Wednesday, July 30, 2014

All Things Beautiful.

I don't have much to say at the moment but I do have pretty pictures to post, and so that's what I'll do. Well, actually, I have a lot I could write about but not the desire to do so at this moment. Blogging is a funny thing-- I feel like I need to blog immediately after something great happens or I lose all motivation/remembrance to do so-- or maybe it's just me that's funny (fickle).
Here are some photos from the past couple of days, no significant stories attached to any one of them. Living in such a scenic city has me constantly inspired to take photos and capture the beauty that surrounds me. It has been rainy for the past few days and with the rain has come the enhanced, vibrant colors of everything it touches. It had me itching to go out and take a few pictures, which I was able to do, and yearning to go camp up in the mountains, which will have to wait for another time. The forest has never looked so beautiful and the mountains have never been so alluring.
Aside from that there are a few pictures from around my room as I work to put it together and make it feel like "home." Being an introvert, my bedroom has always been a sort of escape and, in a way, "sacred" to me. Moving into a new house and leaving all my belongings back home in Illinois made for a rough start but it's all coming along. I purchased my very first Pendleton blanket this week and found some vintage postcards on Etsy that I plan to hang on my wall in a framed collage of sorts. I also need to paint everything white- anyone who knows me knows that this is absolutely necessary; bright, clean, crisp, white freshens up any room. It really is like some sort of magic. 
Oh, and the puppy. I took some pictures of her. I may not be a pet person but she's pretty darn cute and, at least at this stage, very photogenic. The last photo is my favorite because it's the look I get every time I take her outside. She is always so reluctant and reminds me of an obstinate teenager. So much attitude, so much cuteness.   

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