About This Blog

To seek out and document beauty and truth in the Word and the world. 

To record my many thoughts, questions, observations, and aspirations.

To join Hannah in "pouring out my soul before the Lord" (1 Samuel 1:15).

1 comment:

  1. Kacey,

    (I had originally tired the old 'creatureandcreator' email but I guess that one is no longer valid? ha)

    I just kinda wanted to share a little bit of an idea and ask if you'd perhaps be interested. I am kind of recruiting a few contributors writing wise that I either know or at least know social media wise for a site that a I helped start and run with a few people. We are actually going to be doing a re-launch soon with a completely redesigned site and some more planning and I was hoping to get a few more people on board. It is called "Gospel District". The whole idea being an area centered on the good news about Jesus (Gospel) in an area where different types of people/beliefs can come together (District). There are 3 areas we focus on: Theology, Culture, and Ministry. We have a person over each of the 3 and I am over the Culture section specifically (as well as the overall site editing/managing). Culture would include the interaction on current issues like music, social issues, weird internet memes, Walking Dead, book reviews, TV, Movies, current events, politics, philosophy, apologetics, etc... Ministry would include people who are involved in the pastoral, worship leading, elders, devotional type writing, etc… And theology includes well theological topics whether thats reformed theology, arminianism, atonement, biblical issues, salvation, eschatology, etc...

    We just really want to create quality content that is accessible for people to read and think criticially on.

    I have seen your art work on instagram and i've also read many things you've written before. I think it'd be cool to have someone's perspective who is involved in arts like you are. It is also great there being a woman who is so passionate about theology as you definitely seem to be! I think there should be more of that! There's no pressure and deadlines for an answer so if you wanted to think about it that's totally fine. Some of the types we have so far are pastors, theologian-y types, creative non-fiction-y writers, psychologists, rappers, writers, and a weird mix of others haha.

    If you don't feel it'd be a good fit then don't hesitate to let me know. Just felt like this could also be a good platform for writers to get their writings out to a little more exposure and for me big picture wise help create charitable discussion amongst various denominations, sexes, political ideologies, racial differences, etc…As well as thought out views on culture from a good perspective here. We will have forums on the site that invite feedback and discussion plus a lot more in the works. We would love to have you on board but again feel free to let me know if it would be too much for you at this time! You can reply to gospeldistrict@gmail.com to let us know! Thanks for your time!
