Saturday, July 26, 2014

Changes Cont'd

So I wanted to do a post on my new skincare routine because, well, I love it and it is another change that I feel is necessary and important. I have been very pro-organic ever since reading Jillian Michael's book, "Master Your Metabolism," and learning about the ways chemicals affect the body as a whole, and the endocrine system in particular. Without going into much detail, the endocrine system is responsible for the production and proper functioning of hormones. When we eat foods that are laden with various chemicals, either from production or for preservation, we are ingesting very unnatural, foreign matter- and not without consequence. These chemicals are not able to be read by the endocrine system and so the endocrine system reacts by over or under producing hormones in an effort to digest or use them. These chemicals are known as "endocrine disruptors" and produce adverse developmental, neurological, reproductive, and immune effects in humans. It's scary stuff when you read about it, but I think it's something all people should have a healthy fear of and something we should all endeavor to learn more about. 
Anyway, reading that book was the beginning of my journey to better health and better care and understanding of my body and the way it was designed to work. It was (and still is) very fascinating to me and is the reason all of my college speeches and papers were in relation to it. I somehow always made it fit the required subject matter just because I was so passionate about informing people in an effort to help them. I would read books and articles published on the topic and ventured to learn more and more and absorb all the information I possibly could. 
Since then I have laxed a bit. Or a lot. Other things consumed my time and energy. Good things. Better things. Reading and studying the Word of God instead of the most current health article. Having a desire to purify my thoughts and actions over purifying my organs and "physical" body in that respect. And so, I cannot say that I regret my lack of firm, continued resolve. However, since moving to Colorado, I am using the fresh start to get back to my previous state of health. To have "the best of both worlds" and endeavor to be "healthy" both physically and mentally, because I think both are important. That being said, I have again been purchasing organic, whole foods and, beyond that, have given thought to the products I use on a daily basis- soaps, lotions, facial cleansers, makeup, etc. I read that you shouldn't apply anything to your skin that you wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) eat, and I like that guideline- it makes sense to me. After all, your skin is your largest organ and the products you apply enter into your body through your pores, thus producing either positive or negative effects. The whole idea is to reverse, or lessen, the chemical burden on the body. In fact, one of the websites I have been referring to a lot lately for natural products and DIY's has been the website The sole purpose of her blog is to "unburden" the body by providing all-natural options in place of your average store-bought products. She has recipes for homemade facial masks, cleansers, and oils; options for natural deodorants and detergents, and a variety of other things. There are so many recipes I am eager to try!
Her website, along with other research, has been the basis for filling up my bathroom cabinet; and so, I am going to take you through the products I now use on a daily basis. Most of them are common pantry items, which shouldn't be a surprise- only apply what you can eat!

I use coconut oil to clean my face, remove makeup, and moisture my skin. Honey can be used for various purposes and I have used it with nutmeg and cinnamon as a face mask and also with sugar and coffee grounds as an exfoliant. 

The above items are the products I use on my face on a daily basis. Castor Oil mixed with Sunflower oil is what I use for the OCM ( or oil cleansing method). However, Castor Oil can be drying and so I use Rose Petal Witch Hazel as a moisturizing toner afterward. Witch Hazel is known for making the skin appear brighter and more supple and prevent the formation of wrinkles. 

Jojoba, Frankincense, Lavender, and Tamanu Oil are combined to make an all-natural facial oil for oily and acne prone skin, which has totally been my skin since entering my twenties. I just purchased these items and am so excited to start using this oil blend to heal and prevent acne scars and blemishes. The exact recipe for the blend can be found here along with an explanation as to why oil actually benefits oily skin as opposed to worsening it. 

And lastly, but certainly not least, I have started something called "body brushing." What it is is literally brushing your entire body with a dry body brush. Body brushing removes dead skin cells, increases blood flow and circulation, and stimulates the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating cellular waste and, when working properly, takes the chemicals that are absorbed through your skin and transports them through your blood for proper elimination. However, when these tubules aren't working properly they can clog and cause a build up of toxins and waste which can contribute to various illnesses. Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system and helps release these toxins, making it useful for detoxification purposes. And if none of that matters or appeals to you, it also helps reduce cellulite by softening the hard fat deposits beneath the skin. Pretty cool, huh? For all of these reasons and more, body brushing is a beneficial addition to your daily routine and quickly becomes addicting as it is so invigorating! You will begin to crave the brush. Always brush towards the heart as it is best for circulation and the lymphatic system. 

Okay, so that was a lot. Too much? I don't know, but I DO know that all of these things are healthy, all natural, and beneficial to your being! I get stupid excited over these types of things but the results that they produce are addicting! Clear, soft skin and without the harmful effects of the chemicals that fill so many store bought products. And you also just feel the difference- my skin feel less congested and so clean. 
These changes have been a step in the direction I am headed to better overall health and care for my body, and I can't wait to try all the other DIY recipes there are all over the internet. I'm even hoping to switch to all-natural makeup, but that's for another time. I may sound like a complete hypocrite but I just recently bought new makeup and I'm not extreme enough to throw it all away. In time! Progress is progress, right? Haha...

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