Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Mostly Photo Update

Every day, every person, every experience feels like a gift when you know your time in a certain place is coming to an end. You suddenly become acutely aware of all the gifts God has graciously given you when you realize you have to let them go. 
I have been so incredibly blessed by the deep relationships that have been formed since returning home this past year and although I know they won't end when I leave, I still know I will feel the sharp sting of loss that accompanies being anonymous in a foreign place, far from the ones you love. And so, for now, I will savor every minute I have here, in this place, with my people, the people who mean the most to me. 



  1. Oh my gahhh. I could look at your pictures for hours. So beautiful! Love your words.

  2. These are lovely! What camera do you shoot with?
