Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Hello & Welcome to my quaint little corner of the internet world.

After months and months of dreaming up exactly what my blog would look like, contemplating post titles and subjects in my spare time, and piecing together eloquent sentences in my head, I finally realized none of that matters without an actual blog; and so, here it is. Finally. Plain, simple, and soon to be scattered with messy thoughts and disconnected sentences and paragraphs. Design can wait, subjects and titles will come, and the sentences will naturally pour out. What is important is that it exists- that it has taken life- and that it will be an outlet, I pray, that will serve to glorify God. My prayer is that it would enhance my affections for Christ as I meditate on His Word and endeavor to form my thoughts into sentences, and that it would further open my reader's (your) eyes to His unmatchable goodness and insurmountable worth. 

Thank you to all who have encouraged me to begin blogging and to anyone who is willing and patient enough to follow along. It will be a mess, I'm sure, but most hearts are anyway. 


  1. Love love. May God continue to equip you, fan into flames the gifts He has given you, and bless the work of your hands dear sister. May the love of Christ continue to shine brightly through you! Hugs Cece

    1. I always love reading your sweet comments- you are too good to me, lady!
